E - Klasse 9 - Übung Nr. 7 - GreenButterSolutions

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E - Klasse 9 - Übung Nr. 7


1. Matching exercise. Try to match the two parts to make meaningful sentences.

                                    part 1                                                                                                             part 2                                                    solution

1.1. John expressed his extreme nervousness                                                                       A. by beating the tribes.                              

1.2.Sandra and Sheila could get into the pop concert                                                            B. by using a wrench.                                 

1.3. We get into trouble                                                                                                      C. by saving them on a disk.                      

1.4. The king won peace                                                                                                     D. by typing your address.                        

1.5. He cut the small Christmas tree                                                                                     E. by listening to the new sounds.               

1.6. He made a backup of his computer data                                                                        F. by smoking.                                           

1.7. You get instructions                                                                                                     G. for not doing our work.                         
1.8. You begin learning a new language                                                                               H. by turning left.                                      

1.9. Start out going north                                                                                                    I. by using a chainsaw.                               

1.10. You unscrew a nut on a pipe                                                                                      J. by buying a ticket each.                          

2. Articles.

2.1. computer has speeded up international communication.

2.2. Today internet users have access to information from around whole world.


2.3. Nowadays it's much faster to send   email than to send letter.


2.4. information age involves new prospects for enterprises of all kinds as well as new requirements and risks.


In age of information explosion effective use of your entrepreneurial knowledge is crucial competitive advantage.


So processing of information is also of essential importance for your enterprise.


2.5. digital economy is moving our Nation towards greater prosperity. Our goal at Commerce Department is to ensure


that all Americans - regardless of age, income, race, ethnicity, disability, gender or geography


- gain access to technological tools and skills needed in new economy.


(rom: http://www.ntia.doc.gov/ntiahome/fttn00/Front00.htm#Mineta, 18/04/2002)


2.6. Today's information age began with telegraph. It was first instrument to transform information into


 electrical form and transmit it reliably over long distances. original Morse telegraph did not use key and


sounder. Instead it was device designed to print patterns at distance.


(from: http://photo2.si.edu/infoage/infoage.html, 18/04/2002)


3. Mixed tenses. Tick the button with the correct sentence.


Ian every day till seven o'clock. (work) Ian has worked every day till seven  o'clock.
Ian works every day till seven o'clock.
Ian work every day till seven o'clock.


Tim   to the dentist right now. (go) Tim is going to go to the dentist right now.
Tim goes to the dentist right now.
Tim is going to the dentist right now.


Mum  very early today. (leave) Mum is leaving very early today.
Mum will be leaving very early today.
Mum leave very early today.


The teacher to my parents this afternoon. (talk) The teacher talks to my parents this afternoon.
The teacher is talking to my parents this afternoon.
The teacher will talk to my parents this afternoon.


Walt too hard so far this semester. (work) Walt has worked too hard so far this semester.
Walt worked too hard so far this semester.
Walt works too hard so far this semester.


Our English teacher late for his lessons every day this  week. (be) Our English teacher is late for his lessons every day this week.
Our English teacher was late for his lessons every day this week.
Our English teacher has been late for his lessons every day this week.


The managers for several hours before they planes. (fly / change)


The managers flew for several hours before they had changed planes.
The managers had flown for several hours before they changed planes.
The managers have flown for several hours before they changed planes.


she too much to drink when she ? (have / fall) Has she had too much to drink when she fell?
Did she have too much to drink when she falls?
Had she had too much to drink when she fell?


Ben   a new biro before he his old one. (buy / find) Ben bought a new biro before he had found his old one.
Ben had bought a new biro before he had  found his old one.
Ben had bought a new biro before he found his old one.


Chris a headache for three days. (have) Chris has had a headache for three days.
Chris has a headache for three days.
Chris had a headache for three days.



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