E - Klasse 10 - Arbeit Nr. 8 - GreenButterSolutions

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E - Klasse 10 - Arbeit Nr. 8

Heathrow Airport

Heathrow Airport


1. Translation.

1.1. Toms Vater lässt ihn immer bis Mitternacht fernsehen.


1.2. Mr Smith lässt ihn den Koffer öffnen.



1.3. Die Müllers haben ihren Wagen noch nicht reparieren lassen.



2. Summary writing.

A strange case for Donald Perkins

Donald Perkins was on his way back from a business trip. When he boarded the plane he noticed a beautiful young
Arab girl who was carrying a rather heavy case and he offered to help her. She smiled softly when she accepted his
offer, and soon they were talking to each other. It was a bad flight, no refreshments were served and they had to keep
their seat-belts fastened all the time. Donald's stomach was turning over. At one point, when the Arab girl opened her
case to take out a packet of Kleenex, Donald noticed a heavy smell like that of a strange sort of tobacco.
When they landed at Heathrow, the girl asked Donald if he could help her with her baggage and Donald was only too
happy to do so. The girl suggested that he should go through customs with her case; she had a non-British passport,
and she would meet him in the lounge afterwards, where they could have a cup of tea together.
Donald agreed.
He passed through immigration and went to the customs hall. Suddenly he realized that a man with two cases might
look a bit strange to the customs officer, and he wondered what he should do. He put the cases down and thought
carefully. Wasn't it a bit strange that the girl had asked him to take her case through customs. After all, she had met
him only an hour ago. He did not even have a key for the case, and what would happen if the customs officer asked
him to open it? Suddenly Donald remembered the heavy smell of tobacco - well, was it really only tobacco? All the
other passengers from his flight had gone through customs by now, and an airport official who saw him standing there
asked him if he could help him. Donald said no.
Then he decided to do something about the case. He wanted to know what was in it, and who the girl was. He tried
to open it, and to his surprise he could open it easily with one of his keys. There was a blouse in it, a blue cotton skirt,
a light raincoat, a toothbrush and toothpaste, but no travel documents. And there was the smell again.
Donald could not find any cigarettes, but there was a thick envelope. And then he realized that the smell was coming
from the envelope, which had a hole in it. Drugs, Donald thought.
He closed the case, put it against a wall, and decided to try to go through customs without it. But a customs officer
stopped him and asked him if he had not forgotten his second case. Donald's mind worked fast. He was afraid of telling
the customs officer what had really happened, since he was sure that the man would not believe him. Without a word
of thanks he went back to the case, picked it up and tried to walk past the customs officer. His stomach felt even worse
than on the plane.
The customs officer stopped him again and asked him to open the Arab girl's case. Donald's hands were wet. He
managed to say that it was his girlfriend's case, and that she was waiting for him in the lounge. He could have killed
himself at the same moment for saying it. Then he opened the case. In no time the officer had found the envelope.
"Tobacco", he said. "Very fine tobacco, indeed. I hope it's not more than you are allowed to take into the country. We'll
weigh it. Have you got anything else to declare, sir?"

(about 610 words)

(source unknown)


to board: an Bord gehen
case: hier: Reisetasche
soft: hier: sanft
refreshment: Erfrischung
seat-belt: Sicherheitsgurt
to fasten: festmachen; anlagen
stomach: Magen
to turn over: hier: sich umdrehen
smell: Geruch
strange: fremd, eigenartig, seltsam
sort: Sorte
tobacco: Tabak
baggage: (Reise-)Gepäck
passport: (Reise-)Pass
lounge: Foyer Aufenthaltsraum
he passed through immigration: er ging durch die Passabfertigung
hall: Halle
passenger: Passagier
flight: Flug
blouse: Bluse
blue: blau
cotton: Baumwolle
light: hell
toothbrush: Zahnbürste
toothpaste: Zahnpasta
travel documents: Reisepapiere
thick: dick
envelope: (Brief-) Umschlag
hole: Loch
mind: Verstand
past: an ... vorbei
wet: feucht, nass
to weigh: wiegen

Questions on the text. Answer in complete sentences. Do not copy the text.



2.1. Say in two or three sentences what this text is about.



2.2. Summarize the text in not more than 200 words (±10%).



3. Tenses. Fill in the correct tense. Be careful about the position of any adverbs.

Many people (1, describe) Walt Disney as the 'Father of the Animated Cartoon'  because they


(2, think) that it (3, be) Walt Disney who (4, create) the first of this form of movie. In fact,


he (5, not invent) this kind of film: a Frenchman, Emile Cohl, (6, produce) white matchstick figures


which (7, move) in front of a black background as early as 1908. But Disney (8, develop) the


technique in the 1930s, and (9, make) the first full-length cartoon films. Although many other film directors


(10, use) the same technique since then, no-one (11, ever/reach) Disney's popularity in this field.


Thanks to Disney, cartoons (12, become) an important branch of the film industry today. However, Disney, who


(13, die) in 1966, (14, never/think) that his films were art. 'Ever since I


(15, start) doing this work, I (16, never/call) my cartoons art,' he (17, once/say) to an interviewer.


'It (18, be) show business, and I (19, be) a showman. (15, start) doing


this work, I (16, never/call) my cartoons art,' he (17, once/say) to an interviewer. 'It


(18, be) show business, and I (19, be) a showman.



1. on behalf of - im Namen von

2. threatened assault - tätliche Bedrohung

3. to waive - aufgeben

4. subsequent - nachfolgend

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